Forget the sermon, the best part of chuch comes from this gospel choir singing You Need to Keep Yo Business Off of Facebook:
Keep yo business off of Facebook
Keep yo business off of Facebook
Sunday you actin' like a saint - but yo Facebook status say you ain't
Keep yo business off of Facebook
Word, peeps! Now who's gonna share this on Facebook? Via The Clearly Dope
Comments (6)
But the vans Do give the shivers.
My husband and I usually refer to creepy vans as "Rape vans". It's awful, but what can I say... we're immature giggly adults that are easily amused :P
Nah. Surely the most suspect form of transport is anything with heavilly tinted windows, but especially if it happens to be a black MPV.
and ya, what an awful site, made looking at the creepy vans really annoying...and i enjoy looking at creepy vans apparently.